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Family Dispute Ends with Domestic Violence & Aggravated Menacing Charges


Police called because defendant and fiancé engage in a heated verbal argument at their home. Once the police arrived, they decided to arrest the defendant for Domestic Violence (O.R.C 2919.25) and Aggravated Menacing (O.R.C. 2903.21), both misdemeanors of the first degree carrying a maximum jail sentence of 180 days and a $1,000.00 fine.

After Columbus criminal defense attorney Zachuary Meranda reviewed the facts of the case and interviewed the alleged victim in the case, he was able to get the Aggravated Menacing charge dismissed and the Domestic Violence charged reduced to a minor misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge. Client paid $150.00 fine plus court cost with a great resolution for a serious case that could have ended with the client being placed in the county jail and fined substantially.

If you are looking for an attorney for a domestic violence case in Columbus, please do not hesitate to call our office!
