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Attorney Zachuary Meranda Gets Client Charged with Sexual Imposition into Diversion Program


Client was out from out of town and decided to partake in some local entertainment. While enjoying the entertainment the client consumed too much alcohol and made advances on an unwilling person. This ended up with the client being charged with Sexual Imposition, a misdemeanor of the third degree. This offense carries a maximum possible jail sentence of 60 days and a $500.00 fine. Additionally, this offense also carries mandatory registration requirements as a sex offender.

Columbus criminal defense lawyer Zachuary Meranda was able to explain these penalties to the client so that he understood what exactly he was facing and assisted him with getting into the Court's Diversion program. Once the client completes the program the charges will be dismissed in their entirety. This will save the client from having to spend one day in jail or more importantly, having to register as a sex offender.

Searching for a lawyer for a sexual assault case in Columbus? If you have been charged with a sex crime such as rape or sexual assault then you should contact an attorney from The Meranda Law Firm. A member of our legal team will be able to provide the legal guidance you deserve, contact the firm for additional information. If you are under investigation for sexual assault in Columbus, call today!
