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Case Results: Client Accused of Violating CPO, Case Dismissed


A CPO is a civil protection order which declares that an offender cannot see or visit his or her children, wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend or another family relation because he or she is a danger risk. Normally, a family member will file a CPO when he or she feels threatened and believes that the person that the order is filed against could potentially harm him or her. In our client's case, a CPO was granted by the court. This means that our client was not permitted to approach the parties that were protected under the CPO, and could be arrested or removed by law enforcement if he breached that order.

Our client went to the residence of the protected person anyway, and was apprehended. He argued that he had not been served or put on notice about the CPO. This means that he was not aware that the CPO had been granted and put into place, and had no reason to think that he was violating an order by approaching the residence of his family members. Our client was apprehended and a date was set in court. This suspect contact Attorney Meranda and was able to have the case dismissed.

Attorney Meranda proved that our client had no idea that the CPO had been filed and granted. Had our client been found guilty of violating the order, then he may have spent up to six months in the county jail for violating a CPO and charged up to $1,000. Thankfully, none of these potentially frustrating punishments came to be. Our client was satisfied with the firm's hard work in proving that he did not deserve punishment for the crime. Contact a criminal defense lawyer at The Meranda Law Firm LTD today if you were charged with domestic violence in Columbus.
