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Charges for Cultivating Marijuana in Ohio


Medical marijuana was legalized in Ohio in 2016 and the first dispensaries opened their doors to the state of Ohio earlier this year. However, while medical marijuana is legal now at a state level, it is still illegal to smoke marijuana without a prescription, grow marijuana yourself, and/or distribute marijuana.

It is important that you know the charges you could be facing if you find yourself charged or arrested for cultivating marijuana. An arrest and the subsequent punishment for being convicted of a crime can affect the trajectory of your entire life and leave a stain on your record.

Keep reading to find out the possible penalties under Ohio law and to learn how an attorney can help you.

Marijuana Laws in Ohio

As with other prescription medication, there are specific steps one must follow to obtain a license for the use of medical marijuana. These steps include seeing a licensed physician who has a certification to recommend by the State Medical Board of Ohio and registering with the State Board of Pharmacy after obtaining a license.

We’ve previously discussed what the legalization of medical marijuana means for Ohio, but it is important to remember that marijuana is still illegal for recreational use. Ohio has made many moves to widely decriminalize marijuana across the state, but even with these steps, marijuana remains federally illegal, so state and federal laws differ. Charges for marijuana possession, distribution, and cultivation will vary depending on the amount grown/possessed and if juveniles were involved or nearby.

For example, the charges of possession of under 100 grams (approximately 3.5 ounces), giving anyone 20 grams or less, or growing less than 100 grams are all considered minor misdemeanor crimes in the eyes of Ohio lawmakers.

Let Us Fight for Your Rights

If you think your rights have been violated or that you’ve been falsely charged, contact our team of seasoned defense attorneys to fight for your rights.


Contact The Meranda Law Firm at (614) 707-4239 for a no-fee consultation to discuss your legal matters.