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Choosing the Right Attorney to Defend Your Ohio Drug Case


Choosing the Right Attorney to Defend Your Ohio Drug Case

Being charged with a drug crime in Ohio is indeed a serious legal matter. The stigma of a drug charge is enough to create long-term problems for the defendant in the event of a conviction, and fighting the charges is more than an exercise in personal freedom. It is about the future of the defendant and oftentimes their loved ones as well.

A conviction on drug charges can stay on a criminal record for years and can result in denial of future employment, loss of a particular current job, or even be the basis for denial for housing or other government benefits. These potential issues alone are enough reason to mount a strong defense, and having an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney is a necessity for a successful outcome in any case.

Why You Need a Private Criminal Defense Attorney

Many individuals arrested on drug charges will be eligible for a public defender, but this often does not bode well for the defendant. Public defenders have extensive caseloads and are often more concerned with a quick resolution to a charge rather than helping the defendant use all rights in criminal defense, including going to trial. The state of Ohio maintains public defender offices in each county throughout the state, and these attorneys work daily with prosecutors. This means that professional relationships can be prioritized over defendant rights in some cases. Having a private attorney presenting your case defense can be a real advantage when reasonable doubt can be established.

Details Matter

Although many times it appears the state may have a solid case against a defendant, the details of the matter still make a difference. A dedicated criminal defense attorney can inspect all articles of evidence being used by the state and present any problems such as the unlawful acquisition of evidence or material makeup of any confiscated substances. This can be a real issue when officers have broken protocol for search and seizure. While marijuana possession is common and considered a minor misdemeanor carrying reasonably low fines, charges for more serious drugs can result in significant penalties that can include extended jail time and potentially generating a felony criminal record.

Going to Trial

Prosecutors always want to avoid a trial in any legal matter, and it is vital to have an experienced Ohio criminal defense lawyer when presenting your case in a trial. Your attorney can cross-exam all witnesses, including arresting officers, and present issues regarding each article of evidence in building a strong case for reasonable doubt. Even the possibility of a case going to trial could be used as leverage in brokering a plea arrangement in serious cases. It can result in a case dismissal when prosecutors know they will have to devote significant time to a case that they may or may not win.

Columbus Criminal Defense You Can Count On

We understand that following an arrest, it can feel like all hope is lost. You likely have many questions about what steps to take, and our team at The Meranda Law Firm is here to help protect your future.

If you’ve been arrested for a drug-related offense, call us today at (614) 707-4239 to discuss your situation and begin building your defense.
