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OVIs and Background Checks


Driving after the consumption of drugs or alcohol in Ohio puts you at risk of being charged with an OVI (operating a vehicle while impaired) offense. Like many other states, you can be charged if you are caught driving with a BAC .08% or higher. Many people don't know that the points on your driving record will fall off over time, but the charge will always remain on your background report. This is why it's important to contact a skilled attorney immediately after their arrest rather than waiting until they are already convicted.

What Penalties are Associated with an OVI Charge?

Penalties for these types of convictions may include fines, incarceration, installation of an ignition interlock device, troubles with housing, unemployment, and more. Preparing to get a new job or enter a licensed professional can be stressful if you've ever been convicted of driving under the influence in Ohio. Most employers run a background check on candidates before offering the position so that you may worry about your background check and if you plan to have yours screened. Regardless of your character or how extensive your experience is, when a background check is flagged for OVI charges, it's likely your application will be denied.

OVI Defenses

People often wonder if their OVI charge can be beaten. When charged with this offense, it's always best to work with a criminal defense lawyer with years of experience. They are likely to use defense in court that could help minimize your charge. Some of these defenses include:

  • Coerced testing
  • Problems of fact
  • Fourth amendment violation
  • Fifth amendment violation
  • Improper testing procedures

We Can Help

An OVI charge is not a good look on anyone's background report, so it's imperative that you contact a skilled attorney immediately following your arrest. There are defenses lawyers use that can help lessen the charges you are facing. Here at The Meranda Law Firm LTD, we have extensive experience in fighting cases like yours and are confident we have the skills required to see your case succeed.

Contact us today at (614) 707-4239, or visit our website to learn more about your free consultation, where one of our trusted attorneys will review the details of your case and offer you legal counsel and support.